Upcoming Freehold Events

Our Mimir’s Well event is Sunday, Feb. 16, in Essex Junction. It’s a fun day of classes and workshops.

We also have our Feast of Fools sometime in April.

If you’re looking for something nearby, check the East Kingdom Calendar for events in nearby groups (Panther Vale, Stonemarche, Coldwood, and Ile du Dragon Dormant are our closest neighbors.)

If you have an idea or suggestion for an event, there’s a bid form you can fill out here:

Making a Bid for an Event – Shire of Mountain Freehold (eastkingdom.org)


About Freehold Events in General

The Shire of the Mountain Freehold holds several events every year.  We also attend a lot of events in the neighboring shires and baronies.  Some events may be Royal Progress events, which means that the Crown or the Heirs of the East Kingdom will be there.  Then there’s Pennsic, which is its own kind of event.   Learn more about these events below.  Want to see what other events are going on in the East Kingdom?  Check out the East Kingdom Event Calendar here.

Local / Regional / Kingdom

Our Traditional Freehold Events

Yule/Twelfth Night


We celebrate the passing of the winter with our neighbors at Panther Vale.  We each take responsibility in alternate years. In the afternoon, there are games, music, classes and whatever other fun we can devise.  There is also a gift exchange, where you can bring one SCA related object for the table, unwrapped.  People line up in reverse order of length of time in the SCA, and the newest people get first choice of the items.  The main event, of course, is the Feast, which is sometimes pot-luck and sometimes a sit-down, served feast.

Mimir’s Well


A day full of classes on medieval topics on a variety of subjects and interests, some suitable for children.  There is also an exhibit of our populace’s current Arts and Sciences projects, and an opportunity to compete for renown and glory!

Feast of Fools

Spring – Aprilish

The main event is the Feast, or a Dayboard of fine and foolish foods. The afternoon has fencing and fighting, some games for adults as well as children, much merry-making, or just celebrating the coming of Spring.  There may be an arts display, and there may be merchants.  We might hold an auction or do some dancing, and there’s always the possibility of some Bardic and musical offerings. Guests are encouraged to share stories or songs, juggling or other foolish things.

Birthday Bash

Autumn (or late Summer)

A day full of fencing, fighting, feasting, furthering our skills sets, and fun. We have two major tournaments to decide the Champions of the Shire. See fencers and heavy listers attempt to claim the honor. If the site permits, we might also select shire Champions, such as for Arts and Sciences, Fencing, or Heavy List. We might offer a few classes or workshops throughout the day, as well as a Dayboard or a Feast.  Relax at the end of the day with a splendid bonfire, if our site permits such festivities, and some great tales from our local bards.

Regional Events

A Market Day at Birka

late January

Hosted by the Barony of Stonemarche, Birka is a large indoor market with nearly a hundred merchants, a fashion show, an A&S display, classes, dancing, and martial activities including a heavy list bear pit tourney, fencing and youth combat.  Their Majesties of the East hold Royal Court.  Prior to Royal Court, their Excellencies hold a Baronial Court.  This is a great event to buy garb, gear, and things you don’t even know you want yet.  Birka is an easy day trip, but if you want to stay for the weekend, you need to get a hotel early.  By early, I mean that the hotel the event takes place in usually fills up in a few days after the event is announced.  Other hotels usually fill up soon after that.
Click here for the event website.


Memorial Day Weekend

Hosted by our neighbors, the Shire of Panther Vale, Panteria is held every Memorial Day Weekend in Thetford, VT, at a Girl Scout Camp on a lake. You can choose to stay in bunks or bring a tent.  They have everything from fencing to fighting, archery and thrown weapons, A&S classes and competitions, a Merchant’s Row, and a ball.  They have a food plan that will cover your meals for the weekend, or you can choose to feed yourself and maybe partake in only Saturday night’s Feast.

War of the Roses

Memorial Day Weekend

Good gentles of the Knowne World, To ARMS!!  Come join the Barony of Concordia of the Snows as we do battle to determine the rightful claimant to the English throne.  Will you stand with Lancaster, the beautiful and vibrant Red Rose; or will you stand with York, the pure and elegant White Rose? Battles shall be fought on the Heavy and Rapier fields; the Siege, Archery and Thrown Weapons lists; and through the plying of Arts, Sciences, Bardic and Brewing arts.  Come support your house as you may well be the gentle who wins the war point! Click here for the event website.

Opening of the Inne at Coldwood

(usually in mid-June)

The Opening of the Inne at Coldwood, in Peru NY, (Right across the lake from Burlington VT) is a casual weekend of camping, highlighted by the Saturday night Feast.  During the day, there is fencing, fighting, archery, and just hanging out and catching up with friends.  After the feast, there is a massive bonfire.  Fire dancers have been known to appear and perform.  The actual Inne is open to those who wish to hang out and enjoy its warmth and hospitality.

Great Northeastern War

Approximately The Weekend After July 4th

For thirty years, war has ravaged Malagentia.  Although in that time we have moved our encampment from the lakes and riverbank, to the ocean shores, and finally into the mountains, the invading armies follow us wheresoever we go.  Perhaps, if we can finally defeat our most ancient enemies, the Canton of Seashire, this interminable war will finally come to an end (although we wouldn’t count on it).  This year’s event will have everything you expect — shopping, fencing, dancing, fighting, learning, revelry, Traditional Malagentian Hospitality — and a few new surprises.

Closing of the Inne at Coldwood

Fall, Usually in October

The Closing of the Inne at Coldwood is a casual weekend of camping, highlighted by the Saturday night Feast.  During the day, there is fencing, fighting, archery, and just hanging out and catching up with friends.  After the feast, there is a massive bonfire.  Fire dancers have been known to appear and perform.  The actual Inne is open to those who wish to hang out and enjoy its warmth and hospitality.


Late July, Early August

Pennsic is an event like no other.  Two weeks are divided into Peace Week and War Week.  Throughout the event, there are classes, competitions, merchants, and, of course, battles.  This is an event that every SCAdian should go to at least once in their lifetime.

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