Mountain Freehold’s shire arms are described thusly:
“The following device associated with this name was registered in February of 1982 (via the East): Per chevron Or and azure, in base a sea-horse erect within a laurel wreath argent.”

We also have a Populace Badge, which may be worn by anybody, in support of the Shire. It may also be used to mark Shire property. “The following badge associated with this name was registered in March of 2016 (via the East): (Fieldless) A seahorse or atop a trimount couped vert.” (At the same time we also registered a variant with the Kelpie being argent (white.)

Here is a list of the heraldic blazons for all Freeholders (past and present):

Historical Roll of Armsfor Freeholders, past and present

(Last updated 7/11/2022. If you think you should be on this list, please contact the Webminister with details.)

Mairi Rhianna nam Beanntan (8/1979)  Per fess argent and vert, a catamount couchant sinister proper. [Felis concolor]

Raesean Allmhaidh ni Ruairidh (7/1980) Pean, a pile bendwise wavy and in sinister chief a wolf salient gules.

Dafydd o Llyn Cwellyn (5/1981)  Vert, on a bend cotised Or three roundels purpure and in sinister chief a unicorn forcené Or.



Marieke van de Dal  (5/1981, augmented 12/2010)   Sable, on a bend argent a bendlet voided azure, thereon five beech leaves palewise vert, for augmentation in sinister chief on an escutcheon Or, on a pile between two roses purpure an Eastern crown Or.

Olwen of Trereen Dinas (2/1982) Ermine, a wolf courant gules.

Rudth of Ruthin (2/1982)  Argent, a serpent coiled vert and in chief a scimitar fesswise inverted reversed sable.


Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon Keep (2/1982)  Per fess embattled argent and azure, a heron close contourné and a wyvern erect counterchanged.

Sean o Wode (9/1982) Pean, a bend wavy between a harp Or and a boar’s head erased gules.

Rhys Breatnach (12/1983)  Sable, a bend sinister wreathed argent and gules, in dexter chief a bear’s head erased argent, muzzled gules.

Thorvald the Indomitable (12/1983)  Azure, on a pile indented issuant from sinister chief Or, a wolf’s head palewise erased gules.

Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev (7/1984) Vert, on a bend sinister ermine between six bees volant en arriere Or, a weaver’s shuttle gules.

Honoré Pierre de d’Ardres (10/1984) Purpure, a natural leopard’s face proper, jessant-de-lis, within a bordure potenty argent.

Cei Wiclif of Haewengraes (1/1985, corrected 7/2005) Or, a chili pepper bendwise sinister proper.

Aric Arundel of the Mist (8/1985)  Per fess vert and argent, in chief a mullet of four points and in base three oak leaves inverted in fess, all counterchanged.

Megan Douglas (10/1986) Per chevron azure and argent, two cauldrons Or and a domestic cat couchant sable.

Cynthia Waerfaest (Sincgiefu) (2/1988)  Argent, in bend five cat’s paw prints bendwise sable.

Catriona of Mountain Freehold (4/1988)  Azure, a griffin passant to sinister guardant argent within a bordure invected argent, ermined azure.

Katherine Stanhope (5/1988)  Lozengy sable and argent, a harp within an orle Or. (There is an Augmentation, not pictured here.)



Brid nic Shéarlais (12/1988)  Per chevron argent and azure, in pale a stag courant proper and a cross formy within and conjoined to an annulet Or.



Yvaine Catlin d’Acley (8/1989)  Per pale argent and Or, in fess a Celtic cross and a Latin cross pommetty sable, a chief triangular azure.

Maerwen Aelfscinu (1/1990)  Purpure, a needle bendwise sinister, eye to chief, Or and a chief wavy erminois.

Findabhair ni Chonaill (4/1990, corrected 11/2007) Argent, a wooden drop spindle bendwise sinister proper, entwined with thread vert, within a bordure vert fretty argent.

Gudrun of the Glen (7/1990)  Vert, a bell argent and on a chief indented Or, two birds azure.

Cenwulf Bearwes (8/1990)  Gules, two dolphins haurient respectant and on a base wavy argent a fleam gules.

Tearlach the Profane (10/1990)  Gyronny Or and gules, a seal-flippered sea-horse erect vert.

Kathleen Conant of Dunbar (Kate the Wench) (10/1991)  Per bend sinister ermine and counter-ermine, on a chief purpure four roses Or.

Heather MacLeod (6/1992) Quarterly gules and azure, a triple-towered castle argent within a bordure quarterly Or and argent.

Gwydion ab Aeddan (8/1993)  Gyronny argent and vert, a horse rampant contourny gules within an orle Or.


Albreda Aylese (4/1994)  Vert, a winged frog salient Or.




Randal of the Dark (4/1996)  Argent, in pale three natural leopards passant contourny sable each charged on the shoulder with a ducal coronet Or.


Mægwynn æt Gyrbeorg (8/1998) Azure, a theow rampant argent between four triquetras in cross Or.

Octavia Columella (1/2000) Per pale gules and argent, two columns counterchanged.


Wulfhere of Stonemarche (8/2000)  Per fess argent and sable, a wolf’s head erased contourny and a clenched gauntlet counterchanged.

Kassandra Aiantide (9/2002)  Gules, in fess three demi-snakes erect within a bordure embattled Or.


Mirabel Belchere (5/2003)  Per bend sinister Or and azure, two wyverns counterchanged.

Piera da Ferrara (2/2004) Purpure, an eagle enflamed displayed head to sinister within a bordure wavy argent.

Elinor Strangewayes (9/2005)  Vert, a bee and on a chief embattled Or an acorn between two oak leaves fesswise stems to center vert.


Santiago Pescador (Iago) (11/2004)  Per saltire sable and purpure, a newt statant Or within a bordure Or semy of fish purpure.


Ghislaine Isabella de Lessines (3/2007) Argent, on a bend between two mullets purpure a fleur-de-lys palewise Or.



Ardenia the Red (5/2007) Argent, a tree blasted and eradicated sable between two stags combatant gules.



Tyrvaldr berserkr (5/2007) Sable, two wolf’s heads erased respectant and in chief a mullet of four points elongated to base argent.


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Alaxandar an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn (7/2007) Vert, a sea-griffin passant within a bordure argent.



Lily Aubrey (9/2007)  Azure, a chevron inverted between an owl close contourny and two keys in saltire wards to chief argent. (Note, device is being resubmitted to show an owl displayed.)


Iustin Branov (4/2008)  Per chevron gules and Or, two stalks of wheat and a standing balance counterchanged.



Aline Kinneir (Allie) (2/2009)  Sable, on a saltire bretessed between four mullets of four points elongated to base argent, a thistle proper between four beech leaves palewise vert.



Owain ap Dafydd o Llyn Cwellyn (3/2010)   Or semy of beech leaves bendwise vert, an elephant statant affronty purpure.



Lisabetta Medaglia (6/2010) Argent, a griffin sejant purpure maintaining a wooden bow proper, a bordure azure platy.



Kellenin de Lanwinnauch (4/2015)  Per fess azure and argent, a lion counterchanged charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lys gules.


Leo MacCullan (6/2016) Sable, a lion’s head erased and on a chief argent a mullet of four points in dexter chief sable


Brannoc of Mountain Freehold ( 2/2017)  Sable, a frying pan fesswise argent and issuant from base a demi-sun Or.

Katharine Slough  (7/2017)  Or, a crocus purpure within a bordure wavy purpure.



Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno (5/2018)  Gules, two lions combatant and on a chief Or three hearts gules.



Vindiorix Ordovix (Finn) (5/2018 – K.)   Per pale gules and sable, a massacre argent and in base a torc opening to chief Or.


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Svanr Hrolfsson (Svalinn) (6/2018) Argent, on a fess vert a swan displayed argent.




Morwenna verch Madoc (Aerona) (6/2019) Per bend sinister azure and vert, a garb Or and a boar rampant argent.



Corotica merkka Senebelenae (Clovis) (7/2019) Per chevron gules and sable, a wolf courant and a wheat stalk argent.



Guðrún Sveinsdóttir (Rosie) (4/2020) Vert, a lion passant Or and a bordure Or semy of octofoils gules barbed vert.



Erasmus of Mountain Freehold (12/2021) Vert, on a billet fesswise argent, a dragon couchant purpure.



Cecilia Graham de Inveresk (11/2022) Quarterly per fess indented sable and argent, in bend sinister two thistles vert flowered gules


Hrefna Refardóttir (8/2023, East) Per chevron argent and purpure, two flax flowers azure and a harpy guardant wings displayed argent.

Tómas Hamarsson (12/2023, East) Azure, on a pile inverted Or an anvil reversed sable, in chief a tankard inverted bendwise argent.