Now that you’ve found us, please keep in touch! You have already found our Mountain Freehold website. Explore it! You can find information about our history, who the current officers are, what events are being planned, what our members are doing for activities in the Arts and Sciences, and more.

We have a Mountain Freehold Facebook page, here. Sign up! This is the easiest place to get current news. Changes to meeting times/dates are posted here, for instance, as well as discussions about events that are being planned.

We also have an old-style email list (no images). We try to remember to copy Facebook info also to this list, for those who aren’t on Facebook. To join, start here and you will see a subscribe/unsubscribe button somewhere on the right side (depending on your interface, it might be hidden in a drop-down menu).

If you are a paid SCA member, you can take advantage of the East Kingdom GMail service. This will give you an email address in the form of (yourSCAmember#)@members. Instructions are here. This is optional for most people, but it’s required if you become a shire officer.

We’ll have a Discord channel soon!

Once you’re more established, you can set up an East Kingdom Wiki entry for yourself. Instructions are here. Look for the section “How Do I Get My Own Page?”

And we have this Domesday List on the Mountain Freehold web site. Let the webminister ( know if you’d like to be listed. You can connect this listing to your EK wiki, and you can also add portraits of yourself and links to your SCA-related blogs or websites if you like.