Greetings from Marieke! We had a Business Meeting on Sunday, 11/24/19, and here are my notes.

Seneschal: David Poirier talked about his idea of providing entertainment (in garb) to the kids and their visitors at the Children’s Hospital. It would make a fun sort of demo. Any participants would have to agree to background check from the hospital. It’s still in the discussion phase. – The seneschal also reminded us that the election cycle is underway, and names for this year’s officer crop of officers are now being collected.

Knight Marshal: Svanr says, the report is in. The summer archery practices are noted. The modular loaner armor we have commissioned from Dark Victory Armory should be ready by early next year. We now have a Youth Combat Marshal in Training.

Web Minister: Marieke says, the report is in. Make yourself a Wiki if you haven’t already (ask for details.) There is now a link under “Laws and Policies” that lists officer report due dates. Notes from meetings and moots are also archived on our website.

Chatelaine: Aerona says, new business cards are on order for whoever is the next Chatelaine. A professional demo banner is also in the works. The extra loaner-garb giveaway at Birthday Bash was very successful in re-homing our surplus and reducing our huge inventory – but we still need loaner garb for all child sizes. Maybe this could be a subject for an A&S meeting? We also need more loaner feast gear. We’re on track to participate in the Winter RennFaire demo on Feb. 1.

Chancellor Minor: Eleanor says, background checks and renewals are in process or almost done, including for Svanr and Aerona. We have a Youth Marshal in Training. We will offer Youth Activities at Fool’s Feast, and there will be a track of Youth Classes at Mimir’s Well. The Mimir’s Well event will be attended by some of the kids who go to that school, so expect youthful exuberance! David Poirier will be running Youth Activities at War of the Roses this year, and he has some fun ideas for that.

Fencing: Lily says, things are going great! 6-10 adults show up at practice each week, and 3 or more youth fencers are also coming. The loaner gear is in good shape, but two blades need to be replaced. There are plans to coordinate some fencing practices with Ile du Dragon Dormant. Watch for a shift in the Sunday schedule, to accommodate youth fencing and youth heavy list first, then adult practice for both afterwards.

Seneschal again: Officer meetings! We will have them! They will be open meetings. The plan is to try for the fourth Sunday of each month, from 1-2 pm, before fighting/fencing practice. Sometimes there will be a conflict and we’ll adjust as necessary. The next meeting will be Jan 19 (moved to avoid Birka conflict) at 1 pm, perhaps running until 3, because we will devote the meeting to a discussion of the pros and cons of the baronial movement in Panther Vale. (It was also mentioned that there should be no talk of baronial matters in the fighting/fencing practice area, as a courtesy to the participants. It’s fine to step out into the hall to hold such conversation, but it’s too distracting to those who are there to wield their blades.)

Upcoming events: Yule, Jan 4, in Norwich VT – lots do to, and lots to eat! Details are easy to find on Facebook and the Freehold list. – We see that Panther Vale’s Lost Tip archery event may be retired. – Birthday Bash discussion. We agreed it felt a little overfull with all of the Championships. It was suggested that next year some of the Championships could be held earlier and announced at B-Bash. – Mimir’s Well is on track for March 7. — Fool’s Feast is being planned right now (for April) and we just got a bid for that, from Clovis. – Svanr might be interested in hosting Birthday Bash, but it’s way early to know what his work obligations will be, as he enters new employment.

Here endeth my notes!