Mimir was the Norse God of Knowledge, and he drank from an enchanted well at the base of Yggdrasil, the World-Tree, to become wise. So let us also drink from Mimir’s Well! Join us for an afternoon of classes and socialization, at the St. James Episcopal Church in Essex Junction, VT. The site is open from 1:30-7 pm. Please note that this event is on a Sunday!

The entrance cost is $15, or $10 with SCA membership. Youth under age 18 are free. Optional “sack of scholarly sustenance” is an additional $10, by advance reservation only.

Autocrats are Dafydd and Marieke – david.ovitt@comcast.net, and ckrupp@uvm.edu

New folk are very welcome – if you have questions about how to attend your first event, please contact our Chatelain, Lord Leo, at chatelain@mountainfreehold.eastkingdom.org or check out this helpful article.

Beverages will be available, but there is no dayboard. Feel free to bring an afternoon snack of your own, if you didn’t already pre-order your lunch (the deadline has passed.) Classes will run until 6, so you may get hungry!

Here’s the class schedule so far:

2 PM

  • Pad-Stitching for Supportive Garments (Eseld) Pad stitching is the secret weapon of supportive medieval undergarments. This ostensibly simple stitch forms the backbone — literally! — of kirtles, bodies, waistcoats, and more. Come learn some techniques and chat about structured garments of all kinds. No materials fee; I have plenty in my stash.
  • Acid-Etching on Brass (Christoff) – yes, you’ll actually etch something. Class limit is 8.
  • Hedeby Bag, Looking at the Handles (Karl the Oblique) – this is a walk-through of the structure of the bag. There may be antlers involved!
  • Games Table (Nickolai) – Free play; come and challenge others to your favorite game, or learn a new one.
  • Introduction and Orientation for Newcomers (Leo) – All your questions can be answered here!

3 PM

  • Intro to Cross Stitch (Hrefna)
  • Intermediate Chainmail (Stefania) – class limit is 10, please bring pliers, and rings if you have them. Contact Stefania if you want to recommend a particular pattern to work on.
  • Making Cordage (Sage) – Sage will provide the necessary fibers.
  • History of Games (Sylvain) – This session will cover the history and philosophy of board games in the context of various cultures of the past, including classic games and some lesser-known ones. Each game has a reflection of its culture in it – Sylvain will show you the kernel of reality that’s nested within the fun of the game.
  • So You Want To Be An Officer (Tomas) – Peek behind the scenes to see what various officers in the shire are doing and how you can help.

4 PM

  • Discussion: Norse in North America (Leo) – this is a discussion, not a lecture. Bring your questions and ideas, as you consider the Norse experience as they arrived on our continent.
  • Making Oil Lamps for Your Camp (Karl the Oblique) – learn to light your camp with olive oil and cotton wicks in glass containers – if you’ve seen Karl’s camp, you know how special the glow is.
  • Making Period Pigments (Lisabetta) – she’ll demonstrate how to make paints, and students can bring home a small sample to try.
  • Sing-Along! (Sean) – Sean has a repertoire of fun traditional songs and rounds that are easy to learn. All voices are welcome!
  • Making Comfit Sweets (Katherine) – hands-on, in the kitchen!
  • Games Table (Nickolai) – Free play; come and challenge others to your favorite game, or learn a new one.

5 PM

  • Intro to Card Weaving (Marieke) – discussing types of looms, styles of weaving, options for fiber, and pitfalls for beginners.
  • Firestarting (Sage) – with videos showing the process.
  • Soothsayers Meeting (Kastana) – she’ll have some palmistry handouts from Arastorm, but feel free to bring information about what you’re working on, and discuss your own techniques.
  • Games Table (Nickolai) – Free play; come and challenge others to your favorite game, or learn a new one.

Directions to the Site: Find your best way to Essex Junction’s Five Corners. Take 2A north towards Colchester (Lincoln Street). From the intersection, go about half a mile. You’ll pass a Catholic Church on your left, then a cemetery. The next left will be marked with a sign “GATE F” for the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds, and there’s also a sign for the St. James Episcopal Church. Turn there, keep going, and you’ll see the church on your left.