Mimir was the Norse God of Knowledge, and he drank from an enchanted well at the base of Yggdrasil, the World-Tree, to become wise. So let us also drink from Mimir’s Well! Join us for an afternoon of classes and socialization, at the St. James Episcopal Church at 4 St. James Place in Essex Junction, VT (same site as last year). The site is open from 1:30-7 pm. Please note that this event is on a Sunday!
The entrance fee is by donation. Please consider that you are helping to cover the site rental fee as well as the dayboard cost. We can only accept CASH or CHECKS (made out to SCA Inc., Mountain Freehold).
Erasmus will provide a Middle-Eastern themed dayboard in the mid-afternoon. We’ll have more details on the food offerings as time goes on.
We’ll also choose our Mountain Freehold Champion of the Arts and Sciences at this event. The theme is “Imperfections.” Seamas will be providing more information soon.
The class schedule will be posted when it is firmed up. So far, we have Newcomers 101, Making Circular Pouches, Learn a Medieval Dance, Laundering by Hand, and Acid Etching.
Marieke is the Event Steward. Contact ckrupp@uvm.edu with any questions.
New folk are very welcome! – If you have questions about how to attend your first event, please contact our Chatelain, Lord Leo, at chatelain@mountainfreehold.eastkingdom.org or check out this helpful article. If you plan to enjoy the dayboard, please bring your own table setting (bowl, spoon, plate, mug)