Mimir was the Norse God of Knowledge, and he drank from an enchanted well at the base of Yggdrasil, the World-Tree, to become wise. So let us also drink from Mimir’s Well! Join us for an afternoon of classes and socialization, at the St. James Episcopal Church at 4 St. James Place in Essex Junction, VT (same site as last year). The site is open from 1:30-7 pm. Please note that this event is on a Sunday!

The entrance fee is by donation. Please consider that you are helping to cover the site rental fee as well as the dayboard cost. We can only accept CASH or CHECKS (made out to SCA Inc., Mountain Freehold) at the gate. Some classes have a small materials fee, which will be collected by the teacher. Please bring cash for that.

Erasmus will provide a Middle-Eastern dayboard in the mid-afternoon. Offerings will include sambuseks (hand pies, meat and veggie), brown lentil soup with sausage, Turkish red lentil soup (vegan), Moroccan lamb stew, chickpea salad, couscous, hummus, flatbread, apple handpies, and “strawberries in snow” Note – If you plan to enjoy the dayboard, please bring your own table setting (bowl, spoon, plate, mug.)

We’ll also choose our Mountain Freehold Champion of the Arts and Sciences at this event. The theme for the Competition is “Imperfections.” We’ll also have a Display, with the theme of “Thankfulness.” The object can be something you made, or something you own, that you feel thankful to possess. Séamas will be providing more information soon.

Here’s the current version of the class schedule (subject to change). Fuller class descriptions are below.

2 pm

  • Newcomers 101 (Leo)
  • Acid Etching on Metal (Christoff)
  • Food Safety for SCAdians (Mireille)
  • Drop-Spinning (Maud)
  • Games / Let’s Play Kubb (Nickolai & Sylvain) – UNDERCROFT

3 pm – 30 minute break for Dayboard and A&S Exhibit

3:30-4:30 pm

  • Leadership in the SCA (Tiberius)
  • Making Round Pouches (Karl)
  • Arrow Making (William) – limit 6 participants, plus observers
  • Medieval Illuminations (Lisabetta) – class lasts 1.5 hours
  • Beginners Nalbinding – First Steps (Aldis)
  • Playing Music for a Hafla (Sean) – MUSIC ROOM
  • Games / Let’s Play More Kubb (Nickolai & Sylvain) – UNDERCROFT

4:30-5:30 pm

  • Chivalry in the SCA (Tiberius)
  • Updating your East Kingdom Wiki (Kastana)
  • Traditional Laundry Methods (Eseld)
  • Nalbinding – Next Steps (Aldis)
  • Playing Music for A Ceilidh (Sean and Karl) – MUSIC ROOM
  • Learn to Dance Sellenger’s Round (Marieke) – UNDERCROFT

5:30 pm Arts and Sciences, Exhibit and Judging

Marieke is the Event Steward. Contact ckrupp@uvm.edu with any questions.

New folk are very welcome! – If you have questions about how to attend your first event, please contact our Chatelain, Lord Leo, at chatelain@mountainfreehold.eastkingdom.org or check out this helpful article.


First session (2-3 pm)

Newcomers 101. Welcome to the SCA! We’ll get you oriented and answer any questions you might have. (Leo)

Brass Etching for Beginners. (Christoff)

Food Safety for SCAdians. Dost Thou Butter Another’s Loaf? The Virtues of A Cleanly Feast. Lo, let it be known! A feast ill-prepared is no feast at all, but a banquet of woe. Let not haste be thy ruin, for an unclean feast is but treachery served upon a platter. A host’s duty is not merely to fill bellies, but to guard the well-being of all who sup at their board. In the tumult of the feast-hall, sumptuous sauces oft shroud the wicked snares of wheat, virtuous greens are led astray by a rogue cock’s morsel, and a single errant nut may bring even the mightiest lord to his knees. Whether thou art a seasoned steward or but a hapless turnspit, come, learn the art of a cleanly feast, where hands be washed, knives well-minded, and all may enjoy good health and merriment. [Max Participants: 12] (Mireille)

Learn to use a Drop-Spindle. This is a skill that most medieval householders were proficient at. Bring a spindle if you have one, and the instructor will have some to share. Wool will be provided. (Maud)

Learn to play Kubb. Kubb is a fun Scandianvian lawn game for two teams, involving throwing batons at wooden blocks to knock them over. We’ll play this in the church’s undercroft. (Nickolai and Sylvain)

Second Session (3:30-4:30 pm)

Make a Round Pouch. Understand the basics of making a drawstring pouch. Materials for 6 participants, handouts for 10. (Karl)

Beginners Naalbinding. Learn the basics of this ancient technique to eventually make socks, hats, mittens and much more. All you will need is a blunt needle, a lot of yarn and a few simple stitches. $5 Materials fee. 10 participants max. (Aldis)

Leadership Development for the SCA. Strength, Honor and Service. In the SCA, leadership is not about holding titles—it’s about serving with honor and purpose. Using the 16 leadership traits as a framework, this class provides practical tools for fostering community, managing responsibilities, and inspiring others.  This class breaks down traits like knowledge, dependability, and humility into practical strategies for navigating challenges, building trust, and fostering teamwork. Whether you’re leading an event, serving as an officer, or mentoring others, this session offers insights and tools to help you lead with grace and purpose. (Tiberius)

Playing Music for a Hafla. Hafla – an Arabic word meaning ” party or celebration,” involving music and dancing. I would like to create a welcoming space — an inclusive class to allow anyone to contribute if they care to. Format would be loose, a give and take type of atmosphere. This would be with the goal of playing for the Hafla at Panteria. Bring instruments! (Sean)

Basic Arrow Making. Learn what goes into making an arrow for SCA archery use. Choose your shaft, fletching, and points and knocks, and see how it all comes together on a fletching jig. 6 participants, plus observers. (William and Lavina)

Illuminations 101. Q&A on scribal matters, then let’s paint a capital letter! Note that this session is scheduled for an hour and a half, so it will run into the Third Session. (Lisabetta)

Learn to Play Kubb. (This is ongoing – you can just jump in.) Kubb is a fun Scandianvian lawn game for two teams, involving throwing batons at wooden blocks to knock them over. We’ll play this in the church’s undercroft. (Nickolai and Sylvain)

Third Session (4:30-5:30 pm)

Naalbinding, the next step. If you are confident with one stitch it’s time to learn how to increase, decrease, turn and pivot your stitches. These are the basic techniques that will help you with your projects. We will also have a chance to learn to do a few more of the over 40 Naalbinding stitches that are documented. $5 Materials fee. 8 participants max. (Aldis)

Beyond the Sword. The Knight’s Code and Modern Chivalry. This class examines the ideals of chivalry as practiced by historical knights and explores how those values can guide modern behavior in the SCA. It’s an interactive discussion that challenges participants to think critically about how we uphold these ideals both on and off the field. The goal is to foster a deeper understanding of chivalry as a holistic practice that extends beyond combat. (Tiberius)

Playing Music for a Ceilidh. Ceilidh-“Music and Dance social gathering”, Scottish and Irish, similar to the Welsh, “Noson Lawen” events. ( Literally “merry or joyful night”). Although the music may not be entirely period documentable, the tradition of a gathering to share music and dancing goes back centuries- and people have always gathered. We would like to create a welcoming space for everyone- an inclusive class to allow anyone to contribute if they care to. Format would be loose – a give and take type of atmosphere. (Sean and Karl)

East Kingdom Wiki Q&A. Come and learn how to set up and update your East Kingdom Wiki. Handouts will be available with links and details. (Kastana)

Laundering the Medieval Way. Come try out three different period laundry techniques and learn how to keep clean in the days when soap was a luxury. For a $5 materials fee, you’ll get to take home a bottle of home-distilled lye for your future laundering adventures. Maximum 10 hands-on participants, unlimited observers. (Eseld)

Let’s Dance! Learn a fun and simple English Country Dance, called Sellenger’s Round, and if we have time, maybe another one too. (Marieke)