Present: Thomas, Rosie, Clovis, Kastana (with Adam lurking in the background!), Eleanor, David Poirier, Lily and Cat, Leo, Marieke, and Aven Nele.

Our seneschal apologized for the unfortunate but unavoidable last minute switch from Zoom to GoogleMeet. (Some officers were not able to attend due to the change in platform.)

Birthday Bash – Thomas will put out a call to see who wants to autocrat this event in the fall. St. James in Essex Jct. is a fine location and they’d be happy to have us back. Also, Clovis and Finn offered their property in Grand Isle as an event site. For that, portolets would need to be rented, but they have plenty of parking, and they have a lovely basement Inne that can accommodate some of our needs. Feasts at events are not permitted for now, so that’s not part of the planning.

Royal Progress event – Marieke mentioned there may be a Royal Progress event at Coldwood this fall. Details are hazy, but if this materializes, it might present an opportunity to get some awards scheduled.

Mimir’s Well – Eleanor suggested that the Mimir’s Well event in the spring may be a good opportunity for our next Freehold Royal Progress event.

Barter/Yard Sale event – Maybe this summer we could arrange a simple barter or yard-sale type event to get unused SCA items back into circulation. Does anybody want to find a site and take charge of this undertaking?

Stowe Rennfaire is this weekend, June 26-27, 10-6 pm. Panther Vale has invited Freeholders to help out at the demo table or with fencing. There’s a signup sheet here:

Promo Materials – We have a need for more SCA business cards, and tri-fold paper handouts to advertise the many attractions the SCA offers. Does anybody want to take on the design challenge? There are models on the SCA Inc. Chatelaine’s webpage here: Chatelaine Resources | Society Seneschal (, but they could benefit from some local customization. Once the design is approved, expenses can be reimbursed from the Freehold treasury.

Resuming Freehold practices – Starting Sunday, July 4, practices are happening again at the Browns River Middle School in Jericho. Fencing practices will run from 2-5, with the first hour dedicated to training our youth fencers. Lily plans to focus, at first, on safety and refreshing the basics, since everybody’s a bit rusty. Leo has a humanoid practice dummy that will be useful at the practices. We are not allowed indoors at the school during the summer, but there is shade provided, and two portolets are available. Bring your own water – but some may be provided as well. Masks are not required. Lily is designing a suitable sign-in sheet that could be used for contact tracing purposes. Loaner gear for the fencers will be first-come, first-served, and will only be shared within household groups. Lily has a large amount of hand sanitizer available, left over from our last Mimir’s Well event. We also need to post a new “health disclaimer” at the practice site.

Youth Quest – Eleanor reported that the Youth Quest is ongoing.

Archery – Odd has indicated that his property in East Fairfield is available for archery practices, and David Poirier, our Archery Marshal, will look into putting together a practice there.

Next Business Meetings – It was suggested we resume having our monthly Business Meetings from 1-2 pm, in the hour before the Sunday practices, at the Browns River School in Jericho, following the Third-Sunday schedule. Perhaps people who can’t be physically present, could Zoom in, and somebody on site could serve as intermediary. Lily will check about the internet availability in the practice area adjacent to the school.

The meeting lasted 45 minutes. Notes by Marieke.