Present: Cat, Lily, Thomas, Rosie, Marieke, Leo, Eleanor, David Poirier, Cecily, AEthelwulf, Octavia Columella

We reviewed the notes for the previous meeting.

Covid update – as of August 1, we can do pretty much anything we want for events, as long as we follow the current rules. We do need to be masked when not actively fighting or fencing. We are in compliance currently, with our posted disclaimers and sign-in sheets.

Memberships for Officers – Thomas reminded us that officers and autocrats need to be paid SCA members for the duration of their office.

Business Meeting Schedule – Thomas again apologized for the short notice for this meeting. He is looking into sending automatic reminders through email and Fb for future meetings. If a reminder email isn’t sent out by the 2nd Sunday of the month, he welcomes feedback. Business meetings will always be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1pm, unless officers agree in advance to change a meeting due to other events happening that day.

Demo at Carnage Con – Marieke asked if we had any plans to help out Panther Vale with a possible demo at the Carnage gaming convention, to be held in Crown Lands in Dover, VT, Nov. 5-7. There didn’t seem to be much interest in that. Some Freeholders will be helping out at the SCA demo at the Winter Rennfaire in Shelburne.

Communications with Panther Vale – Cecily commented that we have a number of joint ventures with Panther Vale. Are we communicating well with our neighboring shire? She suggested that having a liaison might be useful. Or, as was also suggested, the seneschals of the two groups could reach out to each other when necessary.

Birthday Bash – Marieke will check into the possibility of renting a park shelter, in late September, at either the Mills River Park in Jericho, or Oakledge Park in Burlington.

Notes by Marieke