Corporeally Present: Katherine, Dafydd, Thomas, Gudrun, Cat, Leo, Aethelwulf, Marieke, Michael. Present via Zoom: Dietrich, Kastana, Carys, Linda

Old Business was briefly reviewed, followed by Officer Reports.


  • Dafydd’s heraldry class at Mimir’s Well was popular and has resulted in a few more people who have begun name selection and device designing.


  • A minor glitch with the shire’s Finance Committee email list is being worked out. Cat suggested that a form be created on our shire website for people who want to submit expenses to the Finance Committee, and Marieke will work on that.


  • Since Leo is now the Northern Region Chatelain, he won’t be running for the local shire position again when his term is over, and he is looking for a replacement to train. Contact him if you’re interested.
  • Leo thanked Lily and Cat, and Viskr, for their long and continuing efforts in getting the Browns River School as a central site for weekly shire activities. This is proving valuable in retaining new members and keeping interest up. Our shire is very healthy thanks to many behind-the-scenes efforts.
  • We discussed having a “Gate Fund” to help out folks who turn up at events and don’t realize they have to pay admission via cash or check, or who just forgot their wallets. Katherine said it’s not permitted to use shire funds for this, but we could devise a private and informal stash to cover such circumstances. It can also, as Dietrich did, be handled on a personal basis, with somebody fronting a loan to the person in need, and then getting paid back. Marieke suggested that Freehold event announcements should contain the line “Payment at the Gate is by cash or check only; at this time we can’t accept online payments.”
  • Rhodri and Carys suggested the creation of a period-looking, collapsible garb rack for Gold Key. Leo has made some sketches of an efficient, packable structure, and will submit a proposal to the Finance Committee.
  • The Winter Rennfaire at the Fairgrounds was a great success, due in part to generous assistance from Panther Vale. We can return the favor by helping them out at the Summer Rennfaire in Stowe, the weekend of June 24-25. There may be some new rules in effect, requiring demo guests to sign SCA waivers before handling any of our gear on display. Thomas will look into the details.
  • Shire History Part II will be recorded in June. If you haven’t seen it, the Shire History Part I is here.
  • Wigcliff is the new Marshal in Training for Heavy List. Stephanie and Gotar are training to become Thrown Weapons marshals.
  • Green-Up Day is Saturday, May 6, from 10 to 1. Leo will sign us up to patrol the Mills River Park (adjacent to our school meeting site). Come in garb if you like! Bring gloves. We’ll have lunch together afterwards.


  • Cat said Fencing Practice is continuing to be well attended, both Youth and Adult versions.
  • The Free Press will be coming to check out the practices on Sunday, April 30, which is also when the Cooks Guild is meeting for an egg-themed mini Fool’s Feast. Wear garb!
  • Cat said a new loaner fencing sword would be handy to have, and will submit a proposal to the Finance Committee.

Heavy List

  • Aethelwulf reported that Sunday practices have been small but consistent. He’s thinking of starting a midweek practice in Milton now that we have more evening light. Corotica and Vindiorix might host something in Grand Isle, too.
  • Dietrich has completed the Large Elbows and will get them to us at the next opportunity. That will conclude the shire’s orders with him, and he will refund the small remaining balance to clear the books.


  • Dietrich is still contacting banks in order to transfer our shire’s bank account. Both TD Bank and M&T Bank are under consideration.
    Mimir’s Well ran smoothly, with 47 adults in attendance, and we made a profit.
  • The Dedicated Fund for heavy list equipment (set up a few years ago) has a small balance, which can be spent on things like straps and padding. Carrying such odd little dedicated-fund balances complicates our bookkeeping. Katherine suggested that we set a time limit for unexpended Dedicated Funds to revert to the main Treasury.
  • Dietrich reminded us that we can check with him before buying armor supplies, because he can pass on the business discount he gets.
  • Katherine would like to see our bank balance grow, so that we’ll have the financial resources to host larger events in the future. Larger events often require fronting a big chunk of money – and if guests pay via PayPal, it takes a while to get that money back into our Treasury.

Arts and Sciences

  • Gudrun reported that, sadly, we had to postpone the Shire A&S Championship, which had been scheduled for Mimir’s Well. Instead, it will now happen at our Birthday Bash. The theme remains the same: Anachronism. More training on the judging rubric – for both entrants and judges – will be provided during the summer.
  • The Cooks Guild is meeting the last Sunday afternoon of each month – April 30 is the next one. The April theme is eggy dishes. Feel free to come and eat, even if you haven’t made something. Katherine will send out a message about this.
  • Our local Foresters Guild is active, thanks to Sage and Gilth! Watch for occasional woods-walks led by Sage.
  • Gudrun will host another dye day at her home in Vergennes.
  • Mimir’s Well turned out very well, with some great classes – thanks to Kastana for getting that rolling!
  • Leo reported that the Soothsayers have had two meetings so far. Kastana is our local guildmistress.

Upcoming Events

  • Kastana is stepping up, again!, to host our Birthday Bash in September. It’s early days yet, and details have yet to be solidified, but we are looking at Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Green Mountain Family Campground in Bristol. (Leo autocratted a lovely event there a few years ago.) The Cooks Guild will provide an early-period feast. We discussed having a Silent Auction at this event to raise money for the Freehold Treasury.
  • The previous weekend, Sept. 9-10, is slated for the Gathering of the Realms demo in Swanton. We are awaiting further details on that. The Freehold will be providing some classes for the attendees. Please contact Gudrun if you’d like to teach.
  • Panteria is on Memorial Day Weekend in Thetford Vermont. If you’ve been pining for archery, the range will be open! Marieke and Dafydd are coordinating classes for the event – if you enjoyed taking classes at Mimir’s Well, there are even more at Panteria!
  • Pennsic – The Freehold has a joint camp at Pennsic with the Shire of Coldwood. Last year, a large communal shade pavilion was rented, for about $600. Coldwood paid for half out of its shire treasury, and the Freehold half was paid for by private donation, because our shire financial policies currently say we can’t pay for Pennsic shire-camp expenses with shire funds (although it’s fine to do so, per the Kingdom). The Finance Committee will review this local policy and possibly delete it, as it was devised 30 years ago to solve an ancient argument.

The meeting ended after an hour and twenty minutes. Notes by Marieke.