Our Shire members are talented! Here are some of their projects and crafting in action.
Gilth’s Viking Era Mastermyr-style chest:
FrontLidRope reinforcement detailingInsideA closer lookIt becomes a comfortable seat!
Birthday Bash Arts & Sciences Display, Sept. 25th, 2021:
Sean O’Wode serenading us allHannah using a distaff and medieval-style spindleGroup of happy craftersAethulwulf tablet-weavingKastana crochetingKnitting SocksRainbow socks in progressArts & Sciences DisplayClose-up of table 1Close-up of table 2Close-up of end of table 2Ruadhnait inghean Ruaidhri’s enamel trinket box (Limoges style)Marieke’s embroidered collar and cuffsLisabetta’s miniature paintingClose-up of Lisabetta’s miniatureMarieke & Dafydd’s nettle cordageDafydd’s block-printing experiments with bleachMore of Dafydd’s block-printing (including hand-carved blocks)Barb’s hand-sewn Forester garbClose-up of hand-sewn garbRena’s beaded embroidery piecesRena’s blue dragonRena’s gryphons, snake, and flowerRena’s pink dragonDafydd’s applesauce and black raspberry jamClose-up of Dafydd’s documentation
Vindiorix Ordovix’s Brewing Adventures:
Brakkot with Linen Plug, ca. 14th century CECocke Ale, ca. 1666 CE (with label by Corotica)Iron Age Curmi Ale, ca. 400 BCEHydromeli, ca. 77 CENinkasi Ale, Sumerian, ca. 1800 BCE
Baking FlatbreadsDobunni bread, Hazelnuts, & CheeseFish wrap preparationPackage of fishFish package wrapped in clay and cookedMoretum, a Roman cheese & herb mixtureTeaching a wild foods class at PanteriaSmoked fish stewWalnut & herb mixture, bread
2021 Fall projects in the Shire:
Regalia wrap-coat by Eleanor Grey, Macrame peerage baldric by David PoirierEmbroidery by Findabhair Ni ChonailEmbroidered linen tunic by Guðrún SveinsdóttirWool-embroidered linen dress by Marieke van de DalMaunche scroll: Illumination by Lisabetta Medaglia, Wordsmithing by Eleanor Grey, and Calligraphy by Lily Aubrey
A&S Championships at Aisles of Marche, March 5, 2022:
Corotica’s DisplayIngredients for the “Drink of Great Roots”Corotica became King’s Champion!Freeholders at Aisles of Marche
Spring 2022 A&S in action!
Largesse for Their Majesties made by Lord Dietrich der Mistook von BerneLord Thomas teaching blacksmithing to teens at Panteria in May
Sept. 2022 Dye Day (9/10) and “Bring Your Own Craft” meet-up (9/11):
Gilth and Lady Aelis stirring the goldenrod dye potGilth with alum-mordanted goldenrod-dyed silk – so bright!Guðrún/Rosie with iron-mordanted goldenrod-dyed wool skein – dark green!Various wool skeins after dyeing. From left to right: Iron-mordanted goldenrod, iron-mordanted phragmites, alum-mordanted phragmites, alum-mordanted goldenrod. Wool on seat of chair shows original color of all skeins.Grapevine basket made by Duchess MariekePine needle baskets made by Duchess MariekeLady Cat Spoonbreaker with embroidery projects in progressClose-up of Cat’s embroidery – Bastet and a tiny Silver Mantle for an award medallion
Fall 2022 Projects in the Shire:
Lord Thomas holding a steel collapsible pole he made with an East Kingdom Blacksmith’s Guild banner painted by AutumnWool yarn spun by Ann von Berne – left is her first attempt (she says it was a bit overspun), and right is her second (with improved tension) – Great example of the benefits of practice!Guðrún playing fiddle at Birthday BashDuchess Marieke cooked dough directly over coals, and says the results tasted great and the ash brushed off easily!Duchess Marieke also finished a large embroidery project for Master Dafydd – tunic neck and cuffs. Foresters Guild Hike, Oct. 2022 – Plant and bird identification with BirlaForesters Guild Hike, Oct. 2022 – Snoot and Autumn freeing a tree from a net that was constricting its growthGilth using a bow drill to start a fire, Foresters Guild Fire Skills Meet-up, Nov. 2022 – photo by Lord Sage Elan de JanvierTinder bundle with char cloth, Foresters Guild Fire Skills Meet-up, Nov. 2022 – photo by Lord Sage Elan de Janvier
Freehold/Panthervale Yule Celebration 2022
A delectable feast! Marieke & Dafydd were our cooks, Findabhair made the bread, and others contributed as well.Game table to entertain the populaceSeveral musicians tuning up, including Karl the Oblique (our musical instigator), Guðrún, & Sean O’WodeLucy & Lisabetta knit while listening to the musicThomas brought his firepit and made mulled cider for everyoneThe band in full swingWe had lots of music, and many people joined in singing seasonal tunes!