Becoming a Card Holding SCA Member
The Knowne World Handbook and Other SCA Publications
East Kingdom Wiki / Freehold Domesday Book
Persona Building

Becoming a Card Holding SCA Member

To participate in SCA events, you do not need to be an official member. We welcome all participants, whether you are an official SCA member or not.  However, membership will give adults a $5 discount on the site fee, at many events. If you find yourself going to a lot of events, membership may be more cost-efficient. Membership also allows you to become an officer, to run events, to vote in Kingdom pollings, and to participate in Crown Tournaments.

There are a few different types of membership.

Sustaining membership costs $45/year.  You receive a membership card and access to all electronic publications, and may purchase additional print publications.

Family memberships are available for ONE additional adult and any children 21 and under who reside at the same address as a Sustaining member. You will be charged $10.00 each for the first three family members. Additional family members can be added without charge.

Associate members pay $30 and receive just a membership card.

If you are interested in purchasing a membership, click here for the signup form, and FAQ’s.

The Known World Handbook and other SCA Publications

The Known World Handbook is a compendium of all things SCA that is perfect for someone starting out.  It contains information on everything from SCA History, Customs, Persona, Heraldry, Awards, Costuming, Events, Courts, Feasts, Camping, Arts & Sciences, Armoring, Chivalry, Rapier Arts, Tournaments & Service.  It can be purchased for $15 online at the SCA Marketplace.  You can also buy other publications, such as The Compleat Anachronist and Tournaments Illuminated.  These are monthly publications that focus on various aspects of SCA culture, most of the time pertaining to the Arts and Sciences.

East Kingdom Wiki / Freehold Domesday List

You can make your own entry in the East Kingdom Wiki! You can request an account and set up your own wiki page by following these instructions.  If you want to get to know some of your fellow Freeholders better, you can look at this collection of EK Wiki entries for Freeholders. Once you have your EK Wiki entry set up, if you want it to be listed on the Freehold page, contact our Webminister.

Persona Building

A persona is the fictional person you wish to have been, had you lived during the period of time the SCA covers (Fall of the Roman Empire to the 17th Century).

Creating a persona takes thought, time and research.  Depending on whether you like research or not, this can be a small project, or one that you continue to explore throughout your years in the SCA.  This will be the name you are known as to all your SCA friends, and the background on which to develop many of your SCA activities.

The first things to consider when building your persona are:

  • Culture
  • Time Period
  • Social Status/Profession

Here are some links to help get you thinking.

Research Questions for Developing a Persona


Looking for somewhere to start?  Here are some links:

SCA College of Arms – Name Articles
The Academy of Saint Gabriel

If you think you’ve found a name that you like, take it for a test drive.  Have people use it at practice or your next event.  Tell people you are trying it out.  If it feels right, and if you actually answer to it (that’s a big one!), you might have found your name.  If not, try again.


Here’s a quick tutorial:
Heraldry for Non-Heralds

Our Shire’s Herald is Master Dafydd. He can help you choose an authentic name and design a heraldic device. Another place to get information is the Facebook Group SCA Heraldry Chat.  Many heralds use this group to consult each other on all things names and devices.  There are plenty of willing people there eager to help.  If you’re thinking about becoming a herald, Baby Heralds of the SCA is a great Facebook group for support and help.

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