Moot Minutes, Sept. 8, 2019. Brown River Middle School, Jericho VT.

Present: Lily, Eleanor, David Poirier, Katherine, Odd, Svanr, Maegwyn, Tearlach, Gwyneth, Rudth, Rena, Gotar, Kasana, Marieke, Rosie, Thomas, Sean, Rudth, Kat, Aethelwulf, Julian, Star

EXCHEQUER REPORT: Katherine, our Exchequer, reported that our bank balance is $4,500. She is now warranted (finally) and is in control of the bank account and checkbook.

EXPENSE: NEW LOANER ARMOR FOR HEAVY LIST. Svanr, our Knight Marshal, proposed a major expense, which involves getting two full suits of loaner armor for heavy list, from Dark Victory Armory; one size small/medium, and one sized medium/large. We have plenty of helmets available. We authorized $750 for the armor, the padding, and other necessary bits and pieces. All voted in favor. Heavy List participation has been dwindling, and having loaner armor will really help get people back.

FURTHER DISCUSSION ON ARMOR: Svanr mentioned that Panther Vale is holding an armor making workshop at the end of October, and we could take advantage of that opportunity to make some armor for very small and very large people as well. Tearlach mentioned that he has a stockpile of aluminum for shields. It would also be neat to make some tabards to cover the armor and help the newcomers look spiffy. Lily mentioned that she sometimes loans out fencing gear for Freeholders who need it, who are attending events. She keeps careful track and gets it back afterwards.

EXPENSE: AXE FOR NEW THROWN WEAPONS CHAMPION. It was proposed that we purchase an Axe, for our new Thrown Weapon Champion. Since we will be choosing a Thrown Weapon Champion at Birthday Bash for the first time, we need a prize to be passed down. We voted on a $75 expense for this prize.

FURTHER DISCUSSION ON FREEHOLD CHAMPIONS: These Champion’s Prizes are meant to be passed to the next champion. We can limit the Champion to the Freeholders only, and have a separate one-time prize for the tourney winner if the person is out-of-shire. It was suggested that we could also make leather baldrics, to mark our Champions. Marieke has put the Roll of Champions on the Freehold website. There is also a scroll for the Fencing and Archery champions. Scrolls could also be made for the Heavy List and the Thrown Weapons champions.

OFFICER ELECTIONS: David P. reminded us that we will be holding elections at the end of the year. Offices up for election are: Archery Marshal, Exchequer, Chancellor Minor, Chatelaine, and Webminister. Current officers in these positions expressed their intent and willingness to continue for another two-year term, with the exception of Chatelaine. If you are interested in stepping forward for the Chatelaine job, please contact Aerona to discuss the duties and responsibilities. She may be willing to take a deputy for training, or to turn over the office. – It should be stated that any position can be challenged, regardless of the incumbent’s desire to stay. Also, anyone applying for an officer position should have fulfilled the requirements for holding that office (such as background checks, or SCA membership, etc.). And finally, most officers are looking for deputies – if you’d like to serve as a deputy, talk with the officer.


Birthday Bash, Oct. 5, Bristol VT. Our new Champions will be chosen, and there will be games!

Yule Feast this year will be hosted by Panther Vale.

A bid for Mimir’s Well (a day of classes) will be submitted soon; details are still being worked out. It is possible that this might be a Royal Progress event, and if so, the site will be the Browns River Middle School.

Fool’s Feast is expected to take place this spring, as well.

DISCUSSION OF FAMILY CAP PRICING – We voted to make it shire policy that families with more than two children will only have to pay the site fee for two children, and other children will be admitted for free. For feast and dayboard, if those expenses are optional, everyone who partakes will still need to pay.

DISCUSSION OF SITES – Thomas reminded us that he has connections with a Vergennes school that might make a good event site. We are looking for sites in the southern part of the shires, since we have a number of new members from that area who are interested.

DISCUSSION OF NEEDS OF TEENS/YOUNG ADULTS – At Harpers, Cecily gave a class on the needs and expectations of youth in the Society. We should think about how to meet the needs of these participants so we can retain them, and benefit from their energy and insights. We didn’t have any concrete ideas but this is something we should be alert to.


David P. has Northern Army Archer stickers; Tearlach has Northern Army stickers. Get one and show your pride!

Aethelwulf is storing a 10×10  pavilion top, and a 10×18 pavilion top. Both have been a bit mouse-gnawed and could use some patching. They also need new mouse-proof boxes.

Svanr mentioned that the Freehold website is one of the “official record” ways of notifying people about events and meetings. Somebody mentioned that the website should offer an easy way for people to sign up for the Freehold email list – it’s there now, but not easy to find. Marieke will make it more obvious. Other suggestions for website improvements are welcome.

We discussed having two, or possibly four, moots per year.

The moot adjourned after one hour. Thanks to everyone who participated – it was great to have you there!

Notes by Marieke; additions and corrections are welcome.