(Note: Kingdom officers sometimes adjust their reporting schedules. Please check with your Kingdom or Regional officer if you are unsure of your reporting deadlines. And kindly let your webminister know if you learn of any changes!)

Jan 15: Seneschal, Chatelaine, Webminister, Chancellor Minor
Jan 31: Exchequer

Feb 1: Herald
Feb 15: Fencing, Youth Marshal
Feb 28: Armored Combat

March 1: Minister of Lists, Chatelain
March 31: Archery

Apr 15: Seneschal, Webminister, Chancellor Minor
Apr 30th: Exchequer

May 1: Herald
May 15: Fencing, Youth Marshal, Thrown Weapons
May 31: Armored Combat

June 1: Arts and Sciences, Chatelain

July 15: Seneschal, Webminister, Chancellor Minor
July 31: Exchequer

Aug 1: Herald
Aug 15: Fencing, Youth Marshal
Aug 31: Armored Combat

Sept 1: Chatelain
Sept 30: Archery

Oct 15: Seneschal,  Webminister, Chancellor Minor
Oct 31: Exchequer

Nov 1: Herald
Nov 15: Fencing, Youth Marshal, Thrown Weapons
Nov 30: Armored Combat

Dec 1: Arts and Sciences, Chatelain
Dec 15: Chronicler