Present: Æthelwulf, Marieke, Dafydd, Lily, Cat, Tómas, Guðrún, Leo, Gotar, Hrefna, Robert. Via Zoom: Stefania and Dietrich

We reviewed the notes from our Oct. meeting. A few new points came up –

Dafydd is still exploring the option of using the University Mall as a meeting space – but questions remain, and there might be a fee for use.

The Siege Weapon Interest Group hasn’t been active. One problem is where to store a large siege engine.

Pennsic Expense Authorization for joint rental of common-space pavilion with Coldwood. Marieke proposed adding this wording to our Financial Policies: “At Pennsic, if a common-use pavilion is rented for the Freehold-Coldwood camp, our shire will split the rental cost with the Shire of Coldwood.” People present at the meeting voted to accept this change. The Finance Committee will give it a final look-over before adding it to our Policies.

Eol of Panther Vale has welcomed us to use his place for Thrown Weapons Practice. He is located near St. Johnsbury.

It was suggested that, in the future, we should schedule a meeting before our elections, so that officers can talk with potential new candidates about what each position entails.


Cat explained the need to purchase several lighter blades for the Shire to loan at practices. Lighter blades are easier for some to handle, and will make the practices more accessible. The people present agreed this sounded like a fine idea. Cat also mentioned that we have plenty of fencing masks.


Leo said it’s a helpful thing, to change our terminology from “Sunday Practices” to “Sunday Gatherings.” This phrasing is more welcoming for non-combatants.

Leo also praised Cat’s most recent posting of the Sunday schedule, which gave a breakdown of what’s happening when.

Main topic is the upcoming Winter Renfaire at the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds, on Feb. 3-4. Anybody who volunteers for 4 hours will get a free pass for the weekend. Wear your “Ask Me About The SCA” button if you have one. Tomas will bring his Viking tent which has great visual appeal, and works well as a changing area. We could always use more fencers for the fencing demo – if it’s only a few, they get tired quickly and the showmanship isn’t as impressive. Non-authorized fencers can participate in the demo provisionally. Non-combatants are welcome to sit at the table and engage the passers-by. Leo will print more color tri-fold brochures. We talked about having a laptop with a slide show, as we have done in the past. It was also suggested that we publicize the upcoming Mimir’s Well event on Feb. 18, and that we post a calendar of upcoming gatherings.

Feb. 25 is the tentative date for a regional Fighter Practice for heavy and fencing, at our usual Sunday location. Leo suggested we put together a pot-luck spread for our guests.

Our four regular yearly demos will be: Summer Rennfaire (helping Panther Vale), Winter Rennfaire, Green-Up Day (led by the Foresters, but all are welcome), and the local Pride Parade.


Stefania will plan a get-together when the weather improves.


The Feb. 18 afternoon of classes is shaping up nicely. Details are here:


Marieke said this April event is in the preliminary stages of planning, and Eseld will submit a bid/proposal soon.


Æthelwulf said there were 8 fighters in armor last week and one was newly authorized. We have enough marshals to authorize new fighters, and this can be done at practices.


Guðrún reported that the January “Bring A Project” meeting was successful, with 14-16 people attending. The February meeting will be “Embroidery for Garb” and Marieke will lead this. At Birka there will be a class about how to use the East Kingdom A&S Rubric, and there will also be an A&S Display and a Fashion Show (Hrefna showed us the clever cat-and-snail gown they’re working on.) Tómas mentioned that he now has a second anvil, with adjustable height, so he can teach smithing at his home. Guðrún is taking suggestions for future A&S topics – what are you curious about?

The meeting concluded after about an hour.

Notes by Marieke